This week we'll be working with the chapter
How ICT are you? The chapter is a bit different from what we are used you and it's more of a quiz than a text. You will get to test your knowledge of computers as well as learning many new words on the theme.
As usual class 6A will have their vocabulary test on Friday and class 6B on Thursday.
Level 1
1. appear - dyka upp
2. cough - hosta
3. freeze - hänga sig, låsa sig
4. following - följande
5. a piece of - en del av
6. arrow - pil
7. stuck - fastnat
8. someone else's - någon annans
9. company - företag
10. printer - skrivare
11. ink - bläck
Level 2
1. convenience - bekvämlighet
2. device - verktyg
3. spell check - stavningskontroll
4. border - ram
5. shading - skuggning
6. bullet - patron
7. bunch - bukett
8. icon - ikon
9. shaped - formad
10. advantage of - fördel med
Level 3
1. piece of hardware - del av hårdvara
2. speadsheet - kalkylblad
3. input device - inmatningsenhet
4. monitor - skärm
5. recycle bin - återvinningsbehållare
6. hard copy - papperskopia
7. associate with - förknippa med
8. formating - formatera
Remember to study the words AND to read the text! The best way to fully understand the meaning of the words is by reading the text as well.
Same as last week, you are to come prepared to class. Read the text a few times, learn the words and be prepared to make a summary, in your own words, of the text.