onsdag 30 september 2015

Family Foster

Class 6A: On Thursday we will be watching the episode of Family Foster where Keith and Julia travel to India. After watching the episode, Cornelia, Linus, Alfred and Samuel will be responsible for writing a summary where you tell us about what you have learned about the country, what places they visited and what you found the most interesting. You will also include a word list of 10 words from the episode and which you think might be important to know. Write the words in both Swedish and English
You will post your summary on www.jossanspupils.blogspot.se
Name the post Family Foster - India and attach a suitable picture as well.
So, let's sum it up!

1. Open the page www.jossanspupils.blogspot.se
2. Go to Skriv ett inlägg in the top right corner (längst upp till höger)
3. Name the post Family Foster -India
4. Write a summary (sammanfattning)

  • what have you learned?
  • What places did they visit?
  • What was interesting?
5. Word list of 10 words
6. Attach a picture
7. Press Publicera

Class 6B: On Monday we will join Keith and Julia on their trip to the USA. After watching the episode Anders, Anton H, Emilia and Emma will be resposible for writing a summary where you tell us what you have learned about the country. You will do exactly the same as 6A, except for one thing... As I'm away on Monday and another teacher is responsible for the class, you will write your notes by hand and post in on the blog later in the week. Make sure to give your handwritten summary to your substitute teacher, and I will give it back to you when we meet later in the week.

Time to talk!

Your speeches will be delivered 12/10, 19/10 and 20/10. You will speak in front of half your class while the other half will be busy watch The Kings Speech.
Before class on Monday I would like for you to write a comment on this post where you tell my the title of your speech, or at least what it will be about.

fredag 25 september 2015

Year 6 - week 40

This week class 6A will join the Fosters on their trip to South Africa. We'll learn more about the country and its culture, and we'll also gather words that might be important to know and remember.
Class 6B will continue their travels to India.

6A: For class on Friday I would like for you to prepare the text The ICT Crew on page 54-55 in workbook. At home you should read the text a few times, study the words, and try to summarize the text in your own words. That means that you will come to class on Friday, knowing what the text is about and understanding the words.
6B: You will prepare yourselves in the same was as 6A, but for Thursdays class instead.

Once we meet during the Thursdag (6B) och Friday (6A) class, we will study the text together, followed by trying to find as many adjectives as possible in the text. Do you remember what an adjective is? If not, please watch the film below! We will also learn how to compare an adjective.

The words to be known and tested this week are the following;

Level 1
1. loads - massor
2. bet - slå vad
3. even - ännu
4. should - borde
5. maybe - kanske
6. use - använda
7. about - ungefär
8. during - under
9. done - gjort
10. because - eftersom
11. work - fungera

Level 2
1. crew - gäng
2. holiday - semester
3. already - redan
4. relative - släkting
5. upload - ladda upp
6. much younger - mycket yngre
7. mostly - mestadels
8. actually - i verkligheten
9. yet - ännu
10. pretend - låtsas
11. essay - uppsats
12. broken - trasig

Level 3
1. memory - minneskapacitet
2. external hard drive - extern hårddisk
3. thousands of - tusentals
4. built in - inbyggd
5. against somebody - mot någon
6. prefer - föredra
7. come around - gå runt
8. printer - skrivare

tisdag 22 september 2015

Speech Guidelines

How to make a speech.

  • Focus on your message. Make sure you know what you talk about - be well prepared.
  • Make eye-contact. Look for a friendly face near the center of the room and deliver your opening to that person. Then continually move your gaze around the room, giving each thought to a different person.
  • Talk - don't read. Only use key-words in yourmanuscript.
  • Body language. Be sure to act and move in a way that does not take focus away from your message.
  • Speed. Don't talk too fast. If you make eye-contact with your listeners you will be able to see that they can follow you.
  • Be precise. Don't use verbal fillers such as "um", "uh" and "you know". Instead, pause silently.
  • Surprise your listeners. Don't start by saying "I'm going to talk about global warming..." Say, "Global warming does not exist. It is invented by the media."
  • Last words. Save your best material until the end of your speech. Your listeners will remember your last words best.
  • Quote someone. Give somebody else's opinion about the topic of your speech. Remember to state this person's name and the source where you got the information from.
  • Repeat. Say your most important points several times.
  • A circle. Your speech is like a circle. What you say at the beginning and at the end should connect.
Good luck!

måndag 21 september 2015

Life without limbs

Please watch the video and answer the following questions:

  • What are your lingering emotions after this inspirational lecture?
  • What part of what Nick said meant the most to you?
  • How would you describe this speaker to someone who hasn't seen the lecture and what would you base your description on?
  • Give examples of different "moods" of the speaker in the lecture and what was discussed during those different parts.
  • Based on the lecture, what is the message, or the messages, to remember from Nick Vujicic?
Your answres will be written in a word document and e-mailed to josefina.mollerstedt@utb.kristianstad,se before Monday week 40. Make sure to answer all 5 questions. 

söndag 20 september 2015

English year 6

This week we'll begin watching the series Family Foster. Here you will meet Keith and his daughter Julia as they travel to different English speaking countries. This week we will follow them on their trip to South Africa. While watching we will gather words and phrases which we think might be useful.

We will also begin our preparations for the National tests in English, focusing on the spoken part of the test.
This means no homework this week! But on the other hand I need you to be as active in class as you can be! There is only one way (NO short cuts) to practice speaking English, and that is of course by speaking ;)

söndag 13 september 2015

Veckans glosor

På torsdag kommer båda åk 6 för första gången ha glosförhör på tre olika nivåer. Vi har tidigare gått igenom hur det funkar. Tänk på att utmana dig själv, men gör det samtidigt inte allt för svårt. Ni minns väl det där strecket som man hela tiden ska hålla sig lite över? ;)
Ni hittar även glosorna i Happy, där de tillhör kapitlet The greatest love stories.

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3
star-crossed lovers
sworn enemies
challenged to

onsdag 9 september 2015

Time to travel - Unit 1

Here are your first tasks to complete, both individually and together with your group. Have fun!

Unit 1

Packing list

Create your plane ticket

Get your plane ticket here!

Booking a holiday

Watch and learn! Use the clip plus the vocabulary found in the Unit 1 instructions to prepare your role play.

Presentation Podcaster speech

On Tuesday 15/9 you will present your speech to your assigned group. Remember, your presentation will include

  • Brief information about the person speaking.
  • Why was the speech delivered?
  • What characterizes the speaker? What does he do to capture the audience’s attention?
  • What lesson did you learn from listening to the speech, in terms of how it was delivered?
The class will be divided into 5 groups in class in Monday!

söndag 6 september 2015


On Tuesday we will begin working with our new project - Speech. Hopefully you'll find it both interesting and fun, and of course, a good preparation for the oral national tests in English!
Below you find all the information you need in order to get started :)

Pedagogisk planering


Time to travel

During the week we will continue our visits to the USA and this time we're heading to New York!
We'll lear more about the city which is also called The Big Apple, and what life as a teenager is like there.
Later in the week it's time for you to pick the place to which you like to travel! You already know a bit about Los Angeles, Louisiana and soon New York, but for more inspiration, please visit the website below.

20 best places to visit in the USA

While preparing for your trip, and while travelling, you'll find your instructions under the label Time to travel (in the right margin). The overall instructions can be found on Edwise, but also in this link.

I wish you all a safe journey!

lördag 5 september 2015

Different stories

Welcome back to school class 9B! We'll kick start your final year with a small music project called Different Stories. Here you'll find the instructions for the next three weeks. Please read the instructions and bring any questions to class on Monday.

To complete the assignment you need to watch, and carefully listen to the songs below.

Best of luck!

Desert Island

The pupils in class 8B are starting up a new project - Desert Island. For this project you will need a phone/iPad with which you can record shorter films and later e-mail them.
You will also need to choose a partner whom you'll work closely with during this project. Choose wisely! Your partner will both assist you while filming and assess your work according to the peer assessment sheey you have been given in class.

Please watch the videos below, and also click on the link to access further information.

How to survive on a desert island

Here's you'll find some inspiration for chapter 3:

Survival Guide

Also, watch the video below. Its very interesting!

Descriptive writing

Here's some tips on how to write descriptively. Increase your vocabulary and challenge yourself to use other words than those you are the most familiar with.

Just to clarify...

Part 1
  • I ett gemensamt worddokument, skriv svaren på frågorna till varje låt + översättningen av glosorna. Maila sedan till mig via BUF.
  • I ett eget worddokument, skriv sammanfattning av alla tre låtarna och maila sedan till mig via BUF.
Part 2
  • Arbeta nu enligt instruktionerna med din egen låt och skicka sedan till mig via Edwise. Glöm emellertid inte att först få feed-back på din text från din partner samt göra vissa förändringar/förbättringar utefter vad som blivit sagt.


For our upcoming assignment Speech, you need to download the app Podcaster. It's available in both AppStore and Play.

Jossansklassrum.skolbloggen.se har flyttat hit!

Jossansklassrum.skolbloggen.se har flyttat hit! Här går nu att följa vårt arbete och ta del av viktig information, uppgifter, tips och annat. Bloggen på skolbloggen finns kvar för er som vill ta del av sådant som tidigare har hänt i undervisningen, men allt material som publicerats från och med höstterminen 2015 har flyttats över hit.