söndag 29 november 2015

Christmas traditions from around the world

We're counting down to Christmas, and with the first advent candle lit it's about time we get into the spirit of Christmas even at school!
This week we'll begin by discussing last weeks film Cast Away, before leaving the sun, sand and desert islands behind us. We'll then spend our remaining lessons getting familiar with various Christmas traditions from around the world. 
I won't be in school on Thursday but instead Henrietta and Jan will be there to take care of you. Among other things you will be watching the video below! 

söndag 8 november 2015

Scott of the Antarctic

Nu kör de muntliga nationella proven i engelska äntligen igång! På era respektive klassrumsdörrar finns schema över tid och plats. Jag ber er att ta ett foto av schemat samt att lägga in en påminnelse på era telefoner. Det är så lätt att glömma bort sig när man sitter på en spännande lektion!

Vi kommer även att arbeta med texten Scott of the Antarctic på s. 10-11 i textbook. Eftersom Family Foster fortfarande pausar kommer vi att ha gott om tid att bearbeta texten i skolan. Är det någon av er som på förväg vet något om textens huvudperson Robert Falcon Scott? Om inte, kan ni ta reda på lite fakta att ta med er till lektionen?

Som vanligt har vi glosförhör under veckans sista engelskalektion, men denna gången ser upplägget lite annorlunda ut (men är också något som vi kommer att köra allt oftare framöver).
Ni kommer alla att ha 15 glosor att träna. När ni får glosförhöret ska ni kunna översätta orden från svenska till engelska och sedan sätta in det i en mening. Orden ni ska kunna är:

  1. hero - hjälte
  2. great - fantastisk
  3. famous - berömd
  4. eventually - så småningom
  5. ever - någonsin
  6. returned - återvände
  7. reach - nå
  8. sledge - släde
  9. quickly - snabbt
  10. ski - skida
  11. diary - dagbok
  12. awful - fruktansvärd
  13. tent - tält
  14. the end - slutet
  15. final - sista

onsdag 4 november 2015

If Dublin was a man I would marry him

15 years ago the Irish author Peter Sheridan published his book 44. A Dublin memoir. When released in Sweden, the title was Om Dublin var en kvinna skulle jag gifta mig med henne. I borrow that Swedish title, translated it back to English, and at once I had a sentence that very much sums up my feelings towards the capital city of Ireland,

I'm very excited to hear your upcoming presentations about Ireland, and I'm hoping that you, by gathering information and listening to each other, will appreciate the country for the magical place that it is.

söndag 1 november 2015

Unit 4

Here comes the final unit in our theme Time to travel.
I hope you will enjoy it :)

Unit 4

Practice your English

For those of you who have compeleted your Desert Island tasks, here's something to keep you busy until next weeks group therapy session.
Simply click on this link to access your instructions: Practice your English

Family Foster is taking a break

Hope you have had a nice week off school and that you are coming back well rested. This week will be a bit different from what you are used to, much because of the upcoming national tests which will begin during week 46. Hence, Family Foster will be taking a break for two weeks and instead we will focus only on the texts in Happy and preparations for the national tests.

This week we will work with the text Mom, I'm on top of the world on page 8 in your textbook. We will learn more about the amazing achievements of the young Jordan Romero. This American boy was only 13 years old when he climbed the Mount Everest!
Watch the video below and be prepared to tell me what you have learned about Jordan.

There will be no vocabulary test this week, but instead you will, at home, write a short text about an adventure (according to exercise 4 on page 12 in your workbook). 
Use the words in the wordbox. They will help you a lot with what to write. Use your imagination to create an exciting adventure story!