torsdag 29 oktober 2015


During week 45-48 we will be learning more about Ireland and the country's history and culture. In groups of three you will prepare a presentation of a chosen subject and present that to the class Monday the 23d of November. You can choose from the subjects below,

Click on the following links to access further instructions including websites on which you can read up on the different subjects.

Link: Instructions and websites
          Pedagogisk planering

söndag 18 oktober 2015

First thing first

This week we'll be working with the text First thing first on page 6-7 in the textbook. The text is about famous sailors such as Robin Knox-Johnson (in picture below) and Ferdinand Magellan.

We will learn more about these adventurous men, but also about regular verbs. 
For your last English lesson of the week you will prepare the words and the text.
The words are:

Level 1
new - ny
remember - komma ihåg
world - värld
paid - betalade
race - tävling
sailor - seglare
finish - komma i mål
bicycle - cykel
last - sist

Level 2
expedition - upptäcktsresa
fleet - flotta
arrived - anlände
solo - på egen hand
following -genom att följa
equator - ekvator
journey - resa
paddled - paddlade
canoe -kanot

Level 3
sail around - segla runt
crew members - besättningsmän
without stopping - utan att stanna
the only one - den enda
rode a bicycle - cyklade

lördag 17 oktober 2015

Change your mindset

Change your words. Change your mindset!
I recently put this up at the back of the classroom, and I really hope that you will begin to think like what it says on the coloured papers. Good work takes time and effort!

"We all have dreams, but in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort." - Jesse Owens (American track and field athlete)

An enjoyable read

onsdag 14 oktober 2015

Unit 3

Here are the instructions for Unit 3. Only one unit to go! You're doing really well :)

Link: Unit 3
Link: Hotel quiz

måndag 12 oktober 2015

Speech week 43

Due to only four out of 11 pupils being prepared for todays speeches, the dates and the groups have been changed. I can't stress enough how important it is for you to come prepared to class!

Monday 19/10
Joel N

Tuesday 20/10
Joel G

söndag 11 oktober 2015

Speech week 42 and 43

As you've previously been informed, the class will deliever the speeches on Monday the 12th and Monday the 19th. The class has been devided in two, and while half the class is with me listening to and delivering the speeches, the other half will be with Henrietta in classroom 1:2 (the old English classroom) and practice for the National tests in English.

The group are as follows:

Monday 12/10 - group 1                            Monday 19/10 - group 2
Michelle                                                            Axel
Benjamin                                                           Carl
Jacob T                                                              Ulf
Joel N                                                                Astrid  
Ida                                                                     Melissa
Kevin                                                                 Ebba
Oscar                                                                 Joel G
Mikael                                                               William
Mette                                                                 Teodor
Essie                                                                  Maja

However, everyone should be prepared for tomorrow! If anyone from the first group is off school/sick someone from the second group will have to fill that spot.

We'll all meet in room 2:4 at 10:30 to check attendance, before group 2 leaves with Henrietta.

The Revolution Starts - week 42

This week we'll be working with the text The revolution starts on page 58-59 in the textbook. The text is an e-mail conversation between two computer mice; Mouse Svarlbard aka Svarl and Mouse 958847/JFC/75225 aka Mike. The two mice are planning to take over the world!

You will prepare the text at home, in the same way as you have with the other two ICT-texts. When we meet during the last english lesson of the week you will be able to read the text, answer questions on the text, sum up th text in your own words and do a vocabulary test.

This weeks words are:

Level 1
stupid - dum
human - människa
really - verkligen
mice - möss
join us - göra sällskap
agree - hålla med
clumsiest - klantigast
selfish - självisk
grow - växa
go mad - bli galen
petrol - bränsle
turn off - stänga av

Level 2
thought - tänkt
quicker - snabbare
ignore - förbise, strunta i
control - styra
hardly - nästan
create - skapa
chaos - kaos
probably - troligen
mess - oreda
imagine - föreställa sig
exercise - träning
excited - ivrig

Level 3
efficient - duktig
engineering - konstruktion
manufacturing - tillverkning
in charge of - ansvarig för
destroy - länsa, tömma
bank account - bankkonto
navy - flotta
air force - flygvapen
strike - slå till

We will of course also continue our work with Family Foster. Have you seen the nice summaries that have already been posted on

tisdag 6 oktober 2015

At the airport -Unit 2

Watch the film in preparation for making your own check-in dialogue. You only need to watch the first minute and a half (1.30), but it is to your advantage to watch the whole film.

måndag 5 oktober 2015

Test your vocabulary

Just for fun, test your vocabulary! But remember, only check the box for the words you know at least one definition for. See if you can beat my score. I will reveal it to you in class.

Click on this link

söndag 4 oktober 2015

How ICT are you?

This week we'll be working with the chapter How ICT are you? The chapter is a bit different from what we are used you and it's more of a quiz than a text. You will get to test your knowledge of computers as well as learning many new words on the theme.

As usual class 6A will have their vocabulary test on Friday and class 6B on Thursday.

Level 1
1. appear - dyka upp
2. cough - hosta
3. freeze - hänga sig, låsa sig
4. following - följande
5. a piece of - en del av
6. arrow - pil
7. stuck - fastnat
8. someone else's - någon annans
9. company - företag
10. printer - skrivare
11. ink - bläck

Level 2
1. convenience - bekvämlighet
2. device - verktyg
3. spell check - stavningskontroll
4. border - ram
5. shading - skuggning
6. bullet - patron
7. bunch - bukett
8. icon - ikon
9. shaped - formad
10. advantage of - fördel med

Level 3
1. piece of hardware - del av hårdvara
2. speadsheet - kalkylblad
3. input device - inmatningsenhet
4. monitor - skärm
5. recycle bin - återvinningsbehållare
6. hard copy - papperskopia
7. associate with - förknippa med
8. formating - formatera

Remember to study the words AND to read the text! The best way to fully understand the meaning of the words is by reading the text as well.
Same as last week, you are to come prepared to class. Read the text a few times, learn the words and be prepared to make a summary, in your own words, of the text.

fredag 2 oktober 2015

Instructions for Unit 2

Here's the instructions for Unit 2. You have now arrived at the airport! Keep up the good work :)

Unit 2