söndag 11 oktober 2015

The Revolution Starts - week 42

This week we'll be working with the text The revolution starts on page 58-59 in the textbook. The text is an e-mail conversation between two computer mice; Mouse Svarlbard aka Svarl and Mouse 958847/JFC/75225 aka Mike. The two mice are planning to take over the world!

You will prepare the text at home, in the same way as you have with the other two ICT-texts. When we meet during the last english lesson of the week you will be able to read the text, answer questions on the text, sum up th text in your own words and do a vocabulary test.

This weeks words are:

Level 1
stupid - dum
human - människa
really - verkligen
mice - möss
join us - göra sällskap
agree - hålla med
clumsiest - klantigast
selfish - självisk
grow - växa
go mad - bli galen
petrol - bränsle
turn off - stänga av

Level 2
thought - tänkt
quicker - snabbare
ignore - förbise, strunta i
control - styra
hardly - nästan
create - skapa
chaos - kaos
probably - troligen
mess - oreda
imagine - föreställa sig
exercise - träning
excited - ivrig

Level 3
efficient - duktig
engineering - konstruktion
manufacturing - tillverkning
in charge of - ansvarig för
destroy - länsa, tömma
bank account - bankkonto
navy - flotta
air force - flygvapen
strike - slå till

We will of course also continue our work with Family Foster. Have you seen the nice summaries that have already been posted on www.jossanspupils.blogspot.se?

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